#! /usr/bin/perl -w # (C) Carsten Gross 04/2017 use strict; use Config::Simple; use Sys::Syslog; use Sys::Syslog qw(:standard :macros); # use NetAddr::IP::Util qw(:all); # Global definitions my $EthersFile = "/etc/ethers-2.0"; my %ETHERS; # DNS Update Statements. If one empties @SERVER, no dynamic DNS is done my @DNSUpdate = ("", ""); my @DNSKey = ("/etc/bind/example.com.keyfile", "/etc/bind/reverse-zone.keyfile"); # Forward zone, Reverse Zone my @SERVER = qw(dns.example.com); ############################################################## # Helper functions ############################################################## # Convert a MAC address into EUI-64 token format to get the /64-IPv6 suffix sub ConvertMac($) { my $mac = shift; my $eui = ""; $mac = lc($mac); $mac =~ s/://g; $mac = $mac . ""; if (length($mac) != 12) { print STDERR "MAC Address $mac is not valid.\n"; return undef; } my $firstblock = substr($mac,0,2); $firstblock = (hex($firstblock) | 2); my $secondblock = substr($mac,2,4); my $thirdblock = 'fffe'; my $fourthblock = substr($mac,6,6); $eui = sprintf "%02x", $firstblock; $eui .= $secondblock . $thirdblock . $fourthblock; return $eui; } # Make nibble written reverse entry sub ReverseEntry($$) { my $addr = shift; my $networksize = shift; if (! defined $networksize) { $networksize = 0; } $networksize = $networksize / 16; # Bust the v6 address apart into the colon-delimited sections. my @sections = split(/:/, $addr); my @v6_array; # Iterate through them backwards. foreach my $section (reverse @sections) { # Split each section up backwards into a list, so e.g. '2001' becomes # ('1', '0', '0', '2'). my @digits = reverse(split(//, $section)); my $str = $digits[0]; my $i; if ($#digits >= 0) { # Join the digits we have together with dots. for ($i = 1; $i <= $#digits; $i++) { $str .= ('.' . $digits[$i]); } # If there were fewer than four digits then make the remainder up with # zeroes. (and make a special handling for the "all-0-case") while ($i < 4) { $str .= '.' . '0'; $i++; } } else { $str = ""; } push(@v6_array, $str); } for (my $i = 0; $i < $networksize; $i++) { pop @v6_array; } # splice(@v6_array, -$networksize); # Join the sections together with dots and add the reverse zone TLD on the # end. my $revstr = join('.', @v6_array) . '.ip6.arpa'; return $revstr; } # Read the new ethers file # File-format # MAC-addressipv4EUI-64(or /64 suffix)hostnamenetwork-interface sub ReadEthers() { if (! open(FH, "<", $EthersFile)) { syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "Cannot read $EthersFile: $!"); } my $Counter = 0; while (my $line = ) { chomp $line; if ($line =~ /^#/) { next; } if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { next; } my @L = split(/\s+/, $line); my $mac = lc($L[0]); my $ipv4 = $L[1]; my $ipv6suffix = lc($L[2]); my $hostname = $L[3]; my $interface = $L[4]; my %H; if ($ipv6suffix eq 'eui-64' || $ipv6suffix eq 'eui64') { $ipv6suffix = ConvertMac($L[0]); my $euir = reverse $ipv6suffix; my @E = split("", $euir); my $reverse = join(".", @E); $H{'ipv6reverse'} = $reverse; } $H{'ipv4'} = $ipv4; $H{'ipv6'} = $ipv6suffix; $H{'hostname'} = $hostname; $H{'interface'} = $interface; $ETHERS{$mac} = \%H; $Counter += 1; } close (FH); syslog(LOG_INFO, "Read $Counter host entries from $EthersFile"); return; } # Generate DNS entires aka nsupdate statements that are sent to # a bind installation. You can also adjust this to make SQL updates or whatever sub DoDNSStuff($$) { my $interface = shift; my $prefix = shift; $prefix =~ s/::1$//; # Generate forward and reverse-entries: foreach my $mac(keys %ETHERS) { my $h = $ETHERS{$mac}; if ($interface ne $$h{'interface'}) { next; } my $addr; if (length($$h{'ipv6'}) == 16) { my @L = unpack("A4A4A4A4", $$h{'ipv6'}); $addr = $prefix . ":" . join(":", @L); } else { $addr = $prefix . $$h{'ipv6'}; } # Try to generate the reverse notation my $rev = ReverseEntry($addr, 0); my $name = $$h{'hostname'}; my $reversename = $name; $reversename =~ s/\.dyn//; $DNSUpdate[0] .= "update delete $name AAAA\n"; $DNSUpdate[0] .= "update add $name 60 AAAA " . $addr . "\n"; $DNSUpdate[1] .= "update delete $rev PTR\n"; $DNSUpdate[1] .= "update add $rev 60 PTR " . $reversename . ".\n"; #syslog(LOG_INFO, "DoDNSStuff: $name IN AAAA $addr"); #syslog(LOG_INFO, "DoDNSStuff: $rev IN PTR $name."); } } ############################################################## # here we start executing our main() function ############################################################## # main() # These are all environment variables that are set by dibbler. # ETHERS is an exception, it is set in the next lines to the mtime # of the ethersfile given above my @FIELDS = (qw(DOWNLINK_PREFIXES ADDR1 ADDR1VALID ADDR1PREF IFACE REMOTE_ADDR PREFIX1PREF PREFIX1VALID SRV_OPTION23 ETHERS)); my @T = stat($EthersFile); my $mtime = $T[9]; $ENV{'ETHERS'} = $mtime; my %Handle; # Get the current DHCPv6 attributes from the environment # These were fetched by dibbler-client. Get read of trailing and leading whitespace foreach my $key (@FIELDS) { $Handle{$key} = $ENV{$key}; # remove trailing and leading white-space $Handle{$key} =~ s/^\s*//; $Handle{$key} =~ s/\s*$//; } # open syslog connection for "DAEMON" openlog("ipv6-networking-dibbler", "nofatal", LOG_DAEMON); # Get current timestamp in UNIX-format my $ts = time(); my $store = new Config::Simple(syntax=>'ini'); $store->read('/tmp/ipv6-network.tmp'); # Compare environment with stored variables my %CFG; my $differs = 0; foreach my $key (@FIELDS) { $CFG{$key} = $store->param($key) . ""; # Trailing und leading white-space entfernen $CFG{$key} =~ s/^\s*//; $CFG{$key} =~ s/\s*$//; if (! defined $CFG{$key} || $CFG{$key} ne $Handle{$key} . "") { syslog(LOG_INFO, "ipv6 difference detected in configuration for $key: CFG{key}: " . $CFG{$key} . ", Handle{key}: " . $Handle{$key}); $differs = 1; } } $CFG{'LASTSTORE'} = $store->param('LASTSTORE'); # after reading in of the temporary file: differs tells wether there is # something differend and the network has to be reconfigured if ($differs == 0) { # nothing has changed. But valid timers will expire. Therefore we check for the last update we did make # best thing is to just update the valid and preferred lifetime anytime we are called by dibbler #if ( ( $CFG{'LASTSTORE'} + $CFG{'PREFIX1PREF'} + 60 ) > $ts ) { #syslog(LOG_INFO, "ipv6 configuration not changed, prefix is also still valid, nothing to do, exit\n"); #exit 0; #} else { syslog(LOG_INFO, "ipv6 configuration not changed, prefix is about to expire, refresh lifetimes\n"); #} } else { # Reading of new ethers is required, update of DNS is required ReadEthers(); } # Store everything into the temporary storage file foreach my $key (@FIELDS) { $store->param($key, $Handle{$key}); } $store->param('LASTSTORE', $ts); $store->write(); # update DNS zone for upstream interface if ($differs == 1) { my $var = sprintf "Using " . $Handle{'IFACE'} . " with interface address " . $Handle{'ADDR1'} . " via gw " . $Handle{'REMOTE_ADDR'} . " as default gw (expires " . $Handle{'ADDR1VALID'} . ")"; syslog(LOG_INFO, $var); my $address = lc($Handle{'ADDR1'}); # Short to /64 network $address =~ /^([0-9a-f]{0,4}:[0-9a-f]{0,4}:[0-9a-f]{0,4}:[0-9a-f]{0,4}).*$/; $address = $1; DoDNSStuff($Handle{'IFACE'}, $address); } # # the default interface (where we got the DHCPv6 prefix delegation) also gets RA. This sets the interface address but not the # default route. It is set here. # Unfortunatly the "next-hop" address is not set in DHCPv6 (only the multicast-adress of the DHCPv6 server in REMOTE_ADDR, this is useless) # If the device is a Fritz!Box one can take the ULA of the DNS server and replace the fd00 with fe80. This is very hacky. if ($differs == 1) { my $RemoteAddr = $Handle{'SRV_OPTION23'}; $RemoteAddr =~ s/^fd00/fe80/; system("ip -6 route del default via " . $RemoteAddr . " dev " . $Handle{'IFACE'}); # configure interface # system("ip -6 addr add " . $Handle{'ADDR1'} . "/64 dev " . $Handle{'IFACE'} . " valid_lft " . $Handle{'ADDR1VALID'} . " preferred_lft " . $Handle{'ADDR1PREF'}); system("ip -6 route add default via " . $RemoteAddr . " dev " . $Handle{'IFACE'}); # . " expires " . $Handle{'ADDR1VALID'}); syslog(LOG_INFO, "Set new default route via " . $RemoteAddr . " using interface " . $Handle{'IFACE'}); } # Setup routes and interfaces with suffix 1. Also prepare DNS updates # networks are defined and the prefix is longer then 5 characters if ( defined $Handle{'DOWNLINK_PREFIXES'} && length($Handle{'DOWNLINK_PREFIXES'}) > 5) { # In eine passende Variable laden my %Networks = split(" ", $Handle{'DOWNLINK_PREFIXES'}); foreach my $interface (keys %Networks) { my $net = $Networks{$interface}; my @A = split("/", $net); my $addr = $A[0] . "1"; my $prefixsize = $A[1]; # /64 is expected if ($prefixsize != 64) { print STDERR "Interface $interface skipped, prefix size is $prefixsize.\n"; next; } if ($differs > 0) { DoDNSStuff($interface, $addr); syslog(LOG_INFO, "interface $interface: Setting addr $addr/$prefixsize, valid lft " . $Handle{'PREFIX1VALID'} . ", preferred lft " . $Handle{'PREFIX1PREF'}); print STDERR "interface $interface: Setting addr $addr/$prefixsize, valid lft " . $Handle{'PREFIX1VALID'} . ", preferred lft " . $Handle{'PREFIX1PREF'} . "\n"; system ("ip -6 addr add $addr/$prefixsize dev $interface valid_lft " . $Handle{'PREFIX1VALID'} . " preferred_lft " . $Handle{'PREFIX1PREF'}); } else { syslog(LOG_INFO, "interface $interface: renewing livetime"); system("ip -6 addr change $addr/$prefixsize dev $interface valid_lft " . $Handle{'PREFIX1VALID'} . " preferred_lft " . $Handle{'PREFIX1PREF'}); } } } if ($differs == 0) { # Our work is done, no need to restart radvd or update DNS stuff exit(0); } foreach my $server (@SERVER) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Updating forward and reverse DNS zones"); foreach my $id (qw(0 1)) { # DO DNS Stuff open PH, "|/usr/bin/nsupdate -k " . $DNSKey[$id]; print PH "server $server\n"; # print STDERR $DNSUpdate[$id]; print PH $DNSUpdate[$id]; print PH "send\n"; print PH "quit\n"; close(PH); } } # restart radvd if needed system("killall radvd"); #my $login; #my $pass; #my $uid; #my $gid; #($login,$pass,$uid,$gid) = getpwnam("radvd"); #chown($uid, 0, "/etc/dibbler/radvd.conf"); chmod(0644, "/etc/dibbler/radvd.conf"); system("/usr/sbin/radvd -u radvd -p /var/run/radvd/radvd.pid -C /etc/dibbler/radvd.conf"); exit 0;